Jorma USB Reference and Ethernet review
HiFi Advice (HFA) spent some time with our Jorma USB Reference and Jorma Ethernet and have published a very favourable review.
Here are some excerpts from that review:
“This is a costly cable but it offers a unique proposition with its presentation that is fluid, natural, smooth, and unforced yet clean and neutral as well as articulate, lively, and well-paced. The longer I listened with this cable, the less I was thinking of the cable and instead relaxing into the music.” (Jorma USB Reference)
“…there is no added warmth or smoothness, just a higher degree of fluidity while the presentation remains fast-paced and my tapping foot is evidence of great rhythm.” (Jorma USB Reference)
“The Jorma Ethernet cable offers many of the same traits as the USB cable but is positioned more toward the smooth and relaxed end of the scale. However, it is an ideal choice if you want to maximize the brand’s core qualities such as fluidity, refinement, and unforced natural flow.”
Thanks Christiaan Punter for his thorough review and kind words.